Balancing startup life while being a parent

Yashar Ahmadpour
3 min readAug 24, 2021

I have co-founded three other startups in my past. 2017 when my daughter was born, I did not think I would be a founder again. I thought the same in 2019 when my son was born. But sometimes, life, destiny, or whatever you want to call it has other plans for you. Your friend you always wanted to work with comes to you with a worthy purpose that speaks to your heart, your soul, and your very reason for existence. But you are now a parent, and so, the choice becomes difficult. You weigh the risks, the possible rewards, and then it finally hits you – you want to leave a legacy for your kids. A legacy they can be proud of, that you helped over 100 Million Americans have a safer, better, and richer retirement because of what you helped build and spearhead. And so, that is what happened to me.

It is now 2021, and we are on a rocket ship! We built our first product after we got our first customer, we raised nearly $1M, won Seattle Angel Conference, and we are a growing organization with a marketing team, a product team, and now looking to build out our sales team. In the midst of all this, I am first and foremost a parent and a husband. And so, I try to adhere to a strict schedule. My time spent working is more efficient than it ever was. Time is precious, so I respect the time and I go 110% and higher into work. I pick up my kids after work — early enough so that we can go out and play in the neighborhood or backyard. The Pandemic also turned me into a carpenter and serious baker as I made sourdough breads, and built a playhouse with my kids after work, and weekends when they were awake. At night around 7pm for my son, and 8pm for my daughter, they go to sleep. And so I resume my work again. This is also where you have to make sure you are a good husband. And so the Pandemic allowed for a better relationship as my wife and I try to go running 3–4 days a week. Once a week on Wednesdays usually our kids spend the night at my in-laws, and so we go on our date night, running by the beach followed by dinner at new spots. Weekends are all about Legoland, the beach, having family over, or we going over. When the family goes to sleep, I work again. When they nap, I work again.

Thinking of all this, brings to mind words my father always said and still says today, “never ask for favors from those who are not busy, but ask for favors from those that are always busy, for they will always be able to help you”. As a dad, husband, and startup founder, I fully believe in his wise words.

Are you a parent and a founder? How do you do it? Similar? Differently? Would love to hear your thoughts. Let’s connect and chat!



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Yashar Ahmadpour

4x startup founder, technologist, product obsessed, and sometimes a story teller…